Blooket Review

Blooket is an engaging educational platform designed to motivate students to study more. Its interactive quizzes keep students motivated and provide a more entertaining alternative than traditional classroom review games.

Teachers can customize game details, including late joiners, randomizing student names, and setting the number of questions to ask in each round of their blooket game. Blooket can be played both on computers and smartphones.

Game-based learning

Blooket Join is an online game designed to help educators engage with students’ knowledge in an engaging and entertaining manner. Teachers can customize games or find preexisting ones; students can access them asynchronously while teachers can adjust settings such as time limits and points awards.

Teachers who create games will receive a unique game code which they can share with students. Students then can enter this code on the Blooket website to join. Some games feature tournament modes that encourage learners to compete against their peers while earning tokens to exchange for books, blooks and other prizes.

Critical thinking and problem-solving skills

Critical thinking is an ongoing practice that helps us assess problems and make decisions more effectively. It involves recognizing potential negative repercussions of actions taken and searching for solutions that minimize them; also necessary is an in-depth knowledge of a given issue to identify its root causes.

Blooket’s game-based learning can be an engaging and effective tool for engaging students and developing critical thinking skills. By turning academic content into interactive games, it taps into students’ intrinsic motivation while encouraging fun competition between classmates. Plus, its various game modes and customization features enable educators to tailor learning experiences according to student needs!

Blooket provides students with numerous game modes, such as flashcards, quizzes, and team games, that help them review and practice new knowledge while encouraging collaboration and cooperation among peers. Students can customize their gaming experience by creating custom questions or selecting ones from Blooket’s Discover database.

Self-paced learning

Blooket allows students to learn at their own pace in self-paced environments, offering a refreshing alternative to traditional learning methods. Through various game modes, it teaches critical thinking skills while honing those learned in daily life – not to mention building their character in-game and being rewarded for their efforts!

Teachers can easily create a free account on Blooket to use to craft questions or find premade sets in Discover Sets database. Once they have their account set up, they can host games for students and share the code.

Once students receive the code for playing their game of choice at any time of day or night, their progress can be easily monitored via a leaderboard and tracked so as to remain engaged and motivated.

Collaborative learning

Students can collaborate on group projects and gain new skills while having fun! However, setting clear expectations and assigning roles will ensure each student takes ownership over his/her responsibilities and increases engagement in the collaborative process. Furthermore, offering reflective opportunities can allow participants to reflect upon their experience working together.

Blooket offers several learning games designed for use both individually and collectively by students. Their simplicity means no special skills are necessary – these can serve as great introductions, reviews, or homework tasks!

This platform also promotes 21st-century skills such as collaboration, communication and critical thinking – especially important when students can’t meet physically.


Blooket is an innovative tool that takes trivia and review games to an entirely new level. Educators can select question sets and game modes suited to their classroom content while students play it on their devices to enhance retention and engagement.

Students can earn tokens by correctly answering questions in games, then redeem them for books. This system is user-friendly and works on any device – it also provides instantaneous feedback about student progress!

USATestprep is another similar platform, offering state-align practice quizzes and videos, as well as offering teachers a mastery dashboard to track each student’s performance. Available free for K-12 schools via web browser without additional software installation, this platform also boasts access from any mobile device.

By Cary Grant

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